Russia and Tax Returns are Dead Ends for Liberals
Rachel Maddow announced yesterday that she had Trump’s tax returns and the internet lit up with reactions at the prospects of what could be revealed. Potential conflicts of interest with Russia or other foreign entities, not being as rich as he says, or not paying any taxes at all. After an hour of speculation while the previous program discussed the Republican attempt to rip health care from over 20 million people, followed by a 20 minute diatribe from Maddow doing her best impression of Charlie from Always Sunny in Philadelphia , we got answers to…none of the most pressing questions that have been put forward. Trump paid 38 million dollars on 150 million dollars in come, and it’s not news that the rich don’t pay much in taxes.
There was a flood of disappointment that all that was revealed was two pages of a normal tax return. And whether it’s his tax returns or potential ties to Russia, it’s likely there will continue to be disappointments as the hype for these reveals outpaces what is being shown to us. That’s not to say that we shouldn’t see his tax returns, or have a proper transparent investigation on Trump and his campaign’s potential ties to the Russians. Both contain important information that will likely reflect poorly on Trump because everything has at this point.
What revelations will almost certainly not give us is a silver bullet that will take down Trump. I am sure many are thinking that a concluded investigation into Russia or the revealed tax returns will show that Trump should be impeached and Republicans will be compelled to do something. If there was anything the election taught us, it’s that Republicans will accept anything that Trump does or says if they can accomplish their policy agenda. Even John McCain and Lindsay Graham, who have been seen as “good” Republicans for their comments on Russia and Trump, have taken no concrete action that would put them in any Trump opposition.
Similar to the fervor that led Republicans to investigating Benghazi and Hillary Clinton over and over only to find absolutely nothing of note, it’s likely that any further revelations around Trump will be inconsequential. There may be several Russian “experts” who think Trump is some Manchurian candidate, or a puppet for Russian policies, but all of this is borderline hysteria with little to back it up. The expectations have been set so high that there’s no way any conclusion will be satisfying to the base they have drummed this up to. There is no easy conclusion or trick to defeating Trump. The only thing that will stop Trump is organizing from the bottom up, and you need to focus on policy issues to do so.
Trump’s ties to Russia most likely amount to two right wing oligarchs working together to further enrich oil companies, which certainly matters, but this is not the Manchurian scenario that some on the center and center of left have been thinking of. More importantly, it’s not an issue that can be organized around, or one that immediately impacts anyone’s material wellbeing. Trump/Ryancare is an abomination that will impoverish millions and kill thousands. It is a bill constructed by people that clearly have a complete and utter disdain for human life. From this moment on, this should be the primary focus of everyone left of center. It is much more difficult work, and one that does not contain the drama of scandals, but will lead to real gains for marginalized people.
Bernie Sanders’ town hall in McDowell County, West Virginia, which voted Trump 75/25, shows how powerful of an issue this would be to organize around and run on. While not even close to being most his supporters, the people of this county would be devastated by such a bill. If Democrats not only vigorously oppose this bill on every avenue, but propose a substantive alternative like single-payer, these people can be won over. From issue to issue, the Trump and Republican agenda would only empower the wealthy and annihilate the entire working class of America. Every Democrat that claims they are a progressive must join Bernie Sanders and propose a single payer plan at every opportunity
When Democrats decide to fight on policies, and specifically get behind progressive and leftist goals, they clearly come ahead of Republicans. One of the ways Trump won the primary and general election was promising he would deviate from the traditional economic policies of Republicans in order to help the middle and working class. It is clear by his cabinet alone he has lied and now he is no different from any other Republican intent on sucking the blood of the poor. Instead of focusing attention and resources on Russia and tax returns, issues that will not mobilize people, they must take the fight to Republicans on health care by proposing single payer and demonstrating to the country they are on the side of the people. It’s good policy and it’s good politics.