In 2017

2 min readDec 23, 2016


It is an understatement that 2016 was a bad year. It was a long, grueling, hazard filled slog up this mountain of a year. And as we reached the top after enduring countless tragedies and atrocities, we did not encounter a dawn, or a chance to recover as we made our way down this mountain. Instead, the darkest of nights had fallen, and our descent down the mountain was an abrupt and shocking fall. Defeated, demoralized, and weary, many are eagerly awaiting the end of the year. However, it’s more likely that 2017 will be an even worse sequel to 2016, than an improvement.

In 2017, more beloved athletes, artists, and actors will pass away. More mass shootings, terrorist attacks, and hate crimes will occur. More black people will be shot by the police and few will be charged or even considered guilty. More victories will occur for the far right around the world as liberalism fails to become a proper alternative. People will lose their health insurance, their jobs, their homes and perhaps their lives as well. The rights of marginalized communities will be under threat, and it will seem like we are going backwards after obtaining those precious few victories in previous years. More of our politicians who we think are fighting for us will cave, whether out of self-interest, foolishness or both, to fascist forces rather than being the bulwark we need.

This is all incredibly disheartening, but this must be put in proper perspective to understand what the stakes are. We can not simply hope for a better future. If we expect the cavalry to come in our darkest hour, then more people will die. More people will suffer as an unrelenting and unmitigated right wing will push forward with complete disregard for the powerless. They care not for norms, decency or respect. They will do whatever it takes to accomplish their goals. Look no further than North Carolina for evidence of this. Mercy and restraint are not words that exist in their vernacular.

Rather than hoping for those that have repeatedly failed us to get it right, put your faith, your hope, and optimism in your own ability to create change. You are needed like never before to take your place in history as one of the many who sought to protect rather than reject the marginalized of society. As dark as 2016 was, there were small victories obtained that can grow into larger victories and a positive movement: The victory at the Dakota Access Pipeline, the governor who signed HB2 being defeated, the minimum wage being raised all over the country. These moments are a sign that a better future is possible. One that will deliver the economic and social justice that is so desperately needed.

In 2017, take it upon yourself to join the fight for justice and against tyranny. There will no doubt be more defeats, more tragedies, and moments where all seems loss, than victories for oppressed people. Regardless, we must do right by ourselves and our communities. The cavalry isn’t coming. You are the cavalry.




Written by MitchellCares

Leftist writing political and occasionally misc. stuff

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